Frequently Asked Questions

Which training option is right for me?

If you are a person who can remain disciplined to follow a structured plan (with me as your accountability partner) - online training would be a great fit.

If you won’t go on your own and need someone physically infront of you for the workout, in person is a great fit.

If you have a hard time committing to a plan, but still need structured workouts (that are affordable!) - my monthly subscription app is perfect!

How do I know if you’re the right coach for me?

It’s important to work with a coach who can help you achieve what you’re looking for, and it’s important to know it’s not always a good match! I’ve helped hundreds of clients with a wide range of goals - from postpartum, to athletes, to so many men and women with different goals in mind! However, my specialties are - body recomposition (building glutes/working core), functional training (improving day to day life), athletic style training (channeling that inner athlete with fun and challenging movements ), postpartum (rebuilding strength and working back into fitness).

Do you offer nutrition help?

Yes! All of my training options come with some level of nutrition guidance- ebooks or tailored plans with online training. I also offer nutrition and fitness consultations that you can book here.

Have a specific question?

email: and I will reach out as soon as possible!